Spiritual Fitness

I want to say a big hello to everyone associated with Empower Radio. I’m grateful to be part of this community and look forward to sharing the “Spiritual Fitness Lifestyle.”

The Spiritual Fitness way have of life has been developed over the last twenty-five years. Spirituality, God, fitness, health, wellness are my passions. Like you we all go through obstacles in life and its how we respond to these obstacles that help us grow. In my life I had to get knocked down more than once in order to truly bring this lifestyle to fruition. Having this in place has helped me be the BEST person I can be and is a daily practice which I continue to improve myself- BEST Self.

As 2017 has past and 2018 is here we have been accustomed to have new resolutions. This type of thinking has conditioned us towards short-term results for immediate gratification. Now failure is OK as long as we are growing. Living a Purposeful Life using the daily Spiritual Fitness tools is a way of life. It’s a lifetime practice that is developed in small daily increments to produce lifetime benefits for the Body, Mind and Spirit. Ultimate Health.

If your reading this blog this is purposeful for you. This is a hidden secret how God/Universe works. This is meant for you right now! Please consider implementing the Spiritually Fit lifestyle going into 2018. The Spiritual Fitness Lifestyle is on my website www.chrisforte.com under the Spiritual Fitness Tab. Here are simple steps to get started. I like to call this Simplifying Spirituality.
The seven daily practices are prayer, nutrition, yoga/fitness/exercise, reading, writing, mantras & affirmations and meditation.

An easy and simple way to get started this year is by implementing these five steps per week.

Week 1: Prayer
Week 2: Reading
Week 3: Writing
Week 4: Mantras & Affirmations
Week 5: Meditation Practice

My recommendation in Jan 2018 is to commit to exercise at least 20 minutes daily and incorporating eating a healthy lifestyle.

For the 5 steps start with 5 minutes per day and go from there. After five weeks your carving out 45 minutes per day working your Spiritually Fit Lifestyle.

This is a simple platform you can use to get you started. Feel free to switch it up, be creative. The main objective with this lifestyle is to be connected with our inner self and to develop a deeper relationship with God/Universe/Higher Power. Whatever works for you.

We live in a busy and noisy world. These tools can help you tap into our own inner personal power and control this world instead the world controlling us.

Many blessings on the journey ahead. You have all the power within. Make this the year you become Spiritually Fit!

Through this practice I’ve learned to be grateful daily and to give from the heart. It’s all about being PRESENT, AWARE and knowing we are all CONNECTED.

Many blessings on your journey.

Live Brave,

Originally posted on Empower Radio. Reprinted with permission.


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The post Spiritual Fitness appeared first on The Good Men Project.

(via The Good Men Project)

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