10 Reasons The Phone Calls We Hold Every Day With Our Community is the Biggest Breakthrough in Media Since…(Forever?)

The Good Men Project is re-inventing media. When we launched The Good Men Project, it goal was to “spark an international conversation about the changing roles of men in the 21st century.” Since then, over 350 million pageviews to our website, to hear stories about men, and fathers, and sports and politics, and economics and ethics and much more.

But the key for us has always been the word “conversation”. Sure, we could have comments sections like other media companies. (Although sadly, many sites are getting rid of those because the conversations are too difficult). And yes, like many media companies we have dialogue across many media platforms—forums on Facebook, Twitter chats, video commenting, email dialogues.

But…phone calls?

We believe the idea is breathtakingly new and different, and a way to look at media that is completely new form of media.

  1. The phone calls give you the same emotional resonance as a great movie or TV show.
  2. You are one of the stars of the show.
  3. The conversations are about some of the most interesting, provocative and important topics in today’s world.
  4. It’s how BFF’s are born.
  5. Look at how people who consume other media do so. Staring off into space. Not actively engaged, connected to others, passionate and articulate.
  6. You can multitask while participating. People on the calls sometimes attend while going on walks, at the gym, doing dishes, while their kids are doing homework. Just make sure you know where the mute button is.
  7. Sign up at the Platinum level— you can try one, try them all, come and go as you please. Don’t like the direction a particular call is taking? Have to leave early to pick up the kids? We’ve got your back! You can pick up the conversation either in the FB group or the following week. The calls are there when YOU need them most.
  8. The calls are both episodic and serialized. Each one has its own unique topic. But when you come to them all—-you start to see patterns, have other “characters” on the calls that you can’t wait to talk so you can hear their insights. And…oh…you become one of those characters that people really want to hear.
  9. The group leaders are passionate, intelligent, articulate. They have been through training and know how to make the discussions interesting for all comers.
  10. This is the future of media.

The Good Men Project. We are a participatory media company.


What Now? Participate. Take Action. Join The Good Men Project Community.

Join as a member. All members get to see the site ad-free! The $50 Platinum Level is an ALL-ACCESS PASS—join as many groups and classes as you want for the entire year. The $25 Gold Level gives you access to any ONE Social Interest Group and ONE Class–and other benefits listed below the form. Or…for $12, join as a Bronze Member and support our mission.

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Your ANNUAL PLATINUM membership includes:

1. Free and UNLIMITED ACCESS to participate in ANY of our new Social Interest Groups. We have active communities of like-minded individuals working to change the world on important issues. Weekly facilitated calls that lead to execution of real world strategies for change. Complete schedule here, with new ones starting all the time. We now offer 500 calls a year!

2. Free and UNLIMITED ACCESS to ALL LIVE CLASSES. Learn how build your own platform, be a better writer, become an edit or create social change. Check out our training sessions. As a Platinum member, you can take them all.

3. Invitation to the MEMBERS ONLY Good Men Project Community on Facebook. Connect with other members, network and carry the conversation no one else is having one step further.

4. Access to our PREMIUM MEMBER LIBRARY with our recorded ConvoCasts and classes. ConvoCasts are a new form of media—and you are in them! Only Platinum Members get access to our recordings. And recordings of our classes are really valuable for those who do not have time to take the live classes or just want to review.

5. An ad-free experience. No banner, pop-up, or video ads when you log in. 

6. Weekly conference calls with the publisher and other community members. Our weekly calls discuss the issues we see happening in the world of men in a friendly group setting. 

7. PLATINUM member commenting badge. Your comments on our website will appear with a platinum member badge, signifying you are a part of our core community. 

Price for ANNUAL PLATINUM membership is $50/year.


Your ANNUAL GOLD membership will include:

1. Free access to any ONE Social Interest Groups.Try them out! We have active communities of like-minded individuals working to change the world on important issues. Weekly facilitated calls that lead to execution of real world strategies for change. Complete schedule here, with new ones starting all the time.

2. Free access to any ONE of our live classes. Each month, we have the following: Learn how to be a Rising Star in media, build your own platform, become an advanced writer, become an editor or create social change. Check out our classes here. RSVP for any one class—if you want to take more, just upgrade to an Annual Platinum Membership.

3. Invitation to the MEMBER-ONLY Good Men Project Community on Facebook and all Weekly Conference calls with the Publisher and community. Connect with other members online and by phone!

4. An ad-free experience. No banner, pop-up, or video ads when you are logged in—as long as your membership is active. 

5. GOLD commenting badge. Your comments on our website will appear with a gold member badge, signifying you are a part of our core community. 

Price for ANNUAL GOLD membership is $25/year.


Your ANNUAL BRONZE membership will include:

1. Invitation to the MEMBER-ONLY Good Men Project Community on Facebook and weekly conference calls with the publisher and community. Connect with other members, network and carry the conversation no one else is having one step further.

2. A listing on our Friends of The Good Men Project page. Your support of our mission is noted and appreciated. See the page here!

3. An ad-free experience. No banner, pop-up, or video ads when you are logged in—as long as your membership is active. 

4. BRONZE member commenting badge. Your comments on our website will appear with a bronze member badge, signifying you are a part of our core community. 

Price for ANNUAL BRONZE membership is $12/year.


We have groups and calls 7 days a week:

We have pioneered the largest worldwide conversation about what it means to be a good man in the 21st century. Your support of our work is inspiring and invaluable.


Price for ANNUAL BRONZE membership is $12/year.

“Here’s the thing about The Good Men Project. We are trying to create big, sweeping, societal changes—–overturn stereotypes, eliminate racism, sexism, homophobia, be a positive force for good for things like education reform and the environment. And we’re also giving individuals the tools they need to make individual change—-with their own relationships, with the way they parent, with their ability to be more conscious, more mindful, and more insightful. For some people, that could get overwhelming. But for those of us here at The Good Men Project, it is not overwhelming. It is simply something we do—–every day. We do it with teamwork, with compassion, with an understanding of systems and how they work, and with shared insights from a diversity of viewpoints.” —– Lisa Hickey, Publisher of The Good Men Project and CEO of Good Men Media Inc.

The post 10 Reasons The Phone Calls We Hold Every Day With Our Community is the Biggest Breakthrough in Media Since…(Forever?) appeared first on The Good Men Project.

(via The Good Men Project)

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