The Iconic Breakfast Dish With More Than 25 Different Names

It’s a simple dish: it needs just four ingredients (bread, butter, salt, and an egg) and couldn’t be easier to make—cut out a circle from the middle of a piece of bread and cook an egg in the empty space. But the name for this iconic breakfast food is anything but simple.

We realized that when Nancy Romaine DeWitt posted a photo of her breakfast, called eggs in the nest in Itamar Srulovich and‎ Sarit Packer’s cookbook Golden, our Baking Club‘s book of the month. A few different names popped up in the comments, and when we polled Club members, “egg in a hole” and “toad in a hole” were the runaway favorites (the former has a slight edge in popularity over the latter). They were far from the only options though, we ended up with more than 25 names for the same dish:


(via Food52)

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